Annual Appeal

The Annual Appeal is a direct-giving campaign that will run February 16 to March 15, 2024. It is Abernethy’s most critical fundraiser!

As you have most likely seen the email from our outgoing superintendent, Guadalupe Guerrero, our schools are facing budget cuts across the board. Abernethy is looking at not only larger class sizes, but less instructional resources, academic support and enrichments around the building. Our students deserve more and advocacy at the state level is a must. However, the reality is, that any change coming from the state is going to take time, and our students are experiencing it now. Community fundraising ensures many valuable resources and programs for our students and teachers, both at Abernethy and other schools around the district via the PPS Fund. Reaching the Annual Appeal’s fundraising goal of $60,000 will help ensure enrichment programs, literacy and instructional support for our students.

All donations to the Appeal will go towards the Fund for PPS. This fundraising helps support teacher positions. For example, this year we were able to use some funds from our Fund for PPS account, along with district provided Covid Relief funds to lower the class size in 4th grade from a minimum of 2 classes of 32 in each to 3 classes of 21/22 in each.


Every donation – small and large – helps to ensure support for many of the school resources our students and teachers depend on.


Participation in the Annual Appeal has never been easier! You can donate directly on the Abernethy Local School Foundation donation form. Donating online is secure and easy, provides an immediate receipt for your tax records, and allows you to set up a recurring donation. 

If cash or check is preferred, you can return it to the school in the green envelope brought home by your student, or mail it to the Abernethy office (2421 SE Orange Ave, Portland, OR 97214). Please make checks out to “The Fund for Portland Public Schools" with "Abernethy Foundation" in the memo line and your student name and grade are clearly marked on the envelope or check.


Make it monthly! We love recurring donations - and you may too! If it helps you donate more over the course of the year, set up a recurring contribution through Konstella.

Ask if your employer offers corporate matching. Many employers, both small and large, match employee charitable donations.

Ask your community to support. Grandparents and other extended family members of Abernethy students are often happy to give, especially around the holidays.

Lastly, consider contacting our elected officials and PPS Board to let them know that we support their work to ensure equitable educational opportunities for all students. If you'd like more information about advocacy opportunities for education funding, please reach out to

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much should I donate?

We are asking families to give as they are able. If making a large sum donation is difficult, consider making a recurring, monthly donation to give more over the course of the year. Or give a donation at whatever level you feel most comfortable with. Every dollar counts towards providing resources for our school community!

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes! The Abernethy PTA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Tax ID and related information you will need to claim a deduction for a charitable donation will be included in your receipt.

Do I have to donate online?

No, although we do recommend it. Donating online is secure and easy, provides an automated receipt for your tax records, and allows you to set up a recurring donation.  Monthly recurring donations are a great way to donate more over the course of the school year.

If cash or check is preferred, you can return it to the school in the green envelope brought home by your student, or mail it to the Abernethy office (2421 SE Orange Ave, Portland, OR 97214). Please make checks out to “Abernethy PTA” and ensure “Annual Appeal” and your student name and grade are clearly marked on the envelope or check.

Have other questions?  Please contact